This crème is a dear friend to my hands and nails in every season, but even more so in the winter time. I keep a jar close to my kitchen sink so it is handy when washing time comes around. I still wash my dishes by hand, and every so often I use a Brillo pad to scrub pots and pans. To keep my hands from going to pots I slather this stuff all over my hands before putting my dishwashing gloves on. By the time I am done with my dishes my hands are nice and soft. This is a heavy, emollient crème. Not really suitable to use when you are planning on using your hands freely to touch objects because it will leave a smear all over the place if you do. This is not one of those crèmes that your skin absorbs right away. This crème is best used when your hands are gloved either with dish gloves or your winter gloves. It will also work with gloves to sleep in (if you can manage to keep them on all night). You can buy it for around $8.99 at Walgreens or Walmart. It may seem like a lot of moola for a hand creme at first, but once you realize how little of it you need to get the job done your pocket (and your hands) will thank you.

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